HACCP Training

Course Catalog

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Feel free to reach out to our exceptional team of experts in various fields, as well as our skilled course designers. We would be delighted to meet with you to explore options such as crafting new courses, tailoring existing materials to your needs, and developing personalized campus solutions.

Contact us to discuss group rates, course customizations and reseller options.

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    HACCP for Processors and Manufacturers


    The course curriculum consists of 11 units of approximately one hour of content in each unit on how to meet government, industry and auditor requirements for the development and application of a working HACCP plan and the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices to support your plan.

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    Applying HACCP Principles (TM) For The Food Service Industry


    Consistent food safety fundamentals are often difficult to provide for any organization that has high staff turn over. Our course, accredited by the International HACCP Alliance, affords new and existing employees a solid understanding of food safety principles in practice.

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    New! – HACCP for Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce


    HACCP Basics for the Fresh and Fresh-cut Produce Industries is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. Offered and certified by NEHA, the course is further accredited by the International HACCP Alliance. The course is designed to assist participants in implementing a legally mandated food safety plan for bringing the safest possible raw vegetables and fruits to market.

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    Introducción a los Conceptos Básicos de HACCP Para Procesadores 


    HACCP para procesadores y fabricantes es un curso en línea a su propio ritmo sobre el sistema HACCP y sus requisitos previos. Este curso está acreditado por la Alianza Internacional HACCP. El curso fue creado para ayudar al personal de seguridad alimentaria, garantía de calidad y control, así como al personal clave de la planta en el desarrollo de un plan legal de seguridad alimentaria HACCP.

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    Aplicación de los principios de HACCP (TM) para la Industria Alimentaria


    Consistentes fundamentos de seguridad alimentaria son a menudo difíciles de prever cualquier organización que tiene una alta rotación de personal más. Nuestro curso, acreditado por la International HACCP Alliance, ofrece a los empleados nuevos y existentes una sólida comprensión de los principios de seguridad alimentaria en la práctica.

    Una vez finalizado, los participantes pueden estar seguros de que van a estar mejor preparados para identificar y evitar riesgos de seguridad alimentaria – y cuando eso sucede todos se benefician.

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  • Drivers: FSMA Food Safety Driver Training


    FSMA Driver Training (3 x 6 Minute Videos) designed specifically for drivers. This training module covers everything regarding the regulation and what drivers need to know as it relates to their job and how the Sanitary Transportation rule impacts them.

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  • Operations: Food Safety Training for Carriers & the Transportation Industry


    Awareness of potential food safety issues that could occur during transportation operations. A summarization of food safety standards and sanitary transportation practices to help employees address food safety issues. The completion of all 3 modules in this Learning Path will provide learners with the full awareness training that is required by the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food (STF) Rule. Following the completion of the modules, a certificate will be issued. This certificate can then be used as a record of employee training.

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  • Drivers: COVID-19 Edition: Health & Food Safety Best Practices for Drivers


    This training program is ideal for long-haul truck drivers, grocery delivery drivers, delivering meal kits or meals directly from a restaurant and is intended to help to keep yourself, your customers and the food you are transporting safe. We will be reviewing best practices to protect yourself and reminding you of food safety procedures to ensure you do not contaminate the products we are trying to keep safe.

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  • Drivers: Food Safety Training for Final Mile, Last Mile & Home Delivery


    Iron Apple’s Final Mile Training is a food safety module for drivers who directly deliver food to the final customer. Whether you are delivering groceries, meal kits or meals directly from a restaurant, keeping the food you are transporting safe is your utmost priority.

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  • Brokers: Food Safety Training for Brokers & 3PLs


    Food Safety & FSMA awareness training module designed specifically for all types of companies brokering food and food ingredients throughout North America.

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